Tips for Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions

By Vito La Fata

If you are like many people, you have made New Year's resolutions in the past and then let them slip. Sure, you did okay for a few days, maybe even a week or two. Let me give you four tips on how to keep goals past January.

Here is a tip for you: do not keep your resolutions to yourself. It is a good idea to tell other people what you have planned for yourself in the New Year. If you do not tell anyone, you are missing out on powerful accountability! Maybe you want to run in more foot races this year.

If so, then register for those races and then make your plans public. Tell your friends and put it on Facebook. Ask people to keep you accountable so that you will stay on track. If others are watching you and asking for progress updates, you will have a better chance at success.

Another way to keep your resolutions is to make a list and keep up with it. Write down several things that you would like to do in the New Year. Just make sure that they are reasonable. You are not going to lose twenty pounds in one month or get out of debt in just a few weeks. Once you have a list, check in on it frequently.

If you fall down, do not waste time getting back up. We are human. We all slip up. In fact, if you do not have failure in your life you are not trying very hard. All that matters is that you keep moving forward. Focus on how far you have come already and keep trying.

And make sure that you reward yourself for reaching your goals. We all love rewards. After you have reached a goal, find a way to congratulate yourself with something that you love. Maybe schedule a massage for yourself, or perhaps buy yourself a new item of clothing.

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